see! right now 3rd release.... hahaha... selling very fast ,,, but i will promote because this event are very awesome.. and make sure... each all of you go the websites.. and then.. book the tickets, if you do not books.. its will be sold out.. :) .. hahaha.. ... hurry up! book ur tickets right now.. because now.. selling very fast.. ^_^ this event at 13, 14 and 15 of march 2014 ... wowww!!! come on.. grab it! i'm sure.. you will feel awesome.. if you buy this tickets... hahah.. :)
ehh... korang2.. boring2.. belilah tiket tuh... jangan lupa.. macam2 ada.,, hari makin lama.. makin ramai yang book tiket tuh.. yelaa.. actually bella tak pernah pergi oun.. tapi.. bila ada someone bagitahu bella.. perghh! dah rasa awesome dah kat situ.. :) ... bella nak pergi.. tapi.. bella student.. so.. untuk grab this tickets.. errr.. agak laa.. kan ? so.. bella promote laa dekat kawan2 nie hah.. kawan2 kesayangan bella nie.. : )
BUY NOW! Future Music Festival Asia 2014 is the Biggest and Wildest Party of 2014! Log on to
member bella bagai nak rak plan nak pergi kesini.. so.. tunggu apa lagi... ride safe... have fun.. ^_^