Friday, 8 August 2014



Hai u alls!! hahaa... fuhh..fuhh..fuhh.. berhabuk blog bella weyhh.. adess -,- ... jenuh laa nak clean up blog bella nie.. adesss.. -,- .. never mind sementara korang dok buat assignment ke.. homework ke.. kerja ke.. make sure u all tak bertangguh kerja k.. bahaya.. ok.. ;) .. by the way... bella ada something nak share.. hmm.. sat .. banyak ke tak.. xpelaa.. bella share jugak... hahaa.. lama tak menghadap keyboard nie.. oke we go for the first story ... get ready guys ! .. ok.. thumbs up! ;)

This is the first story that i will share with u all.. eceeccee.. speaking siot .. xpe2.. belajar kan ? oke.. first one.. ada satu hari tuh.. bella ada update status kat facebook.. ala.. biasa-biasa je status tuh... ok laa.. ada yang like laa kan.. then.. round about one hour.. ada sorang nie komen.. ok laa.. bella pun open notification nk tengok dia komen apa kan.. bella macam x percaya dia komen cenggini " saya rasa macam tak berkenan laa dengan cara awak.. perangai awak.. macam gangster .... awak perempuan.. cuba act macam perempuan..." .. something like that laa.. bella da lupa sbb.. bella da delete status tuh.. ok.. bella.. diam.. pale hotak dah susun ayat nak taip apa la kan.. ok3.. bella pon komen sekali.. " awak tak kenal saya 100% tak payah laa judge orang.. " .. something like that laaa.. sebab cara dia tegur bella.. macam mengaibkan.. sebab dekat facebook kan ? malu kot.. -,- .... xmatured..! so.. bell amek keputusan untuk tak layan dia.. malas.. benci.. geram..menyampah.... fullstop !! 

okey u alls.. we move on with the next story okey.. hahahaa.. actually... tak lama lagi bella nak practicum da.. wow.. tak sangka dah habis hadap buku.. note.. project .. assignment and so on... ni.. betul2.. like kerja.. woww.. ok laa.. nervous of course ada.. nie pun tengah berdebar2 jugak meyhh... tak tahu ape jadi.. yela.. bell ngajar kan.. like a teacher gitu.. atotototot.. cweet x ?? hahaha.. so as usual.. dah pergi practicum workshop... supervisor bagi tips ada... rules of the school .. macam2 laa.. so bell... termenung jugak tadi.. ok...xpe.. we learn all those things right.. so.. never mind.. macam tak caye je nk praktikal.. kejap je masa kan ?? haihh.. pray for me keyhh .. ^_^ .. 

okey,,, thats all for today.... lagi satu story..bella lupa laa.. ahaha.. xpe.. bella try ingat balik.. btw.. sebelum terlambat... SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI .. MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN .. 

p/s: nak duit raya.. *tadah tangan*